The quickest and the safest method for wrinkles correction without undergoing surgery is filling them with, so called ‘fillers’. The appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, eyes and on the forehead comes with aging process due to the lack of hyaluronic acid in the skin and the decrease of collagen. In order to renovate the skin and fill the wrinkles we use hyaluronic acid based fillers such as Reviderm, Restilen, Perlen, Matridex.

The effect is temporary. The period of dissolving and absorption of the fillers by the body cells is from 2 to 12 months.

Fillers are absolutely safe and have no side effects. The result is immediate.

Injecting is done in ambulatory conditions and anaesthesia is not necessary.

Patients can go back to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.

If you would like to know everything about changing your appearance and acquiring the dreamed look, write to us right now. Make your professional medical consultation.