This operation is performed to help balancing the facial proportions in the lower 1/3 part of the face by implanting a suitable sized silicone implant. Chin implants may augment the jaw to correct problems and improve the shape and balance of the face. Chin implants can improve the facial features for a dramatically more attractive look.

A small incision is made under the chin, an implant of the desired size and shape is then placed inside the chin. It is closed with stitches that later need to be removed.

The time duration of the operation is 30-40 min. Bandage and stitches are removed after 10-12 days. At the end of the surgery, the chin is often taped to minimize swelling which subsides after 3-4 weeks.

Patients should return to normal social life in 12 days.

The postoperative scar is fine and invisible.

The anaesthesia of the operation is local or general, depending on patient’s choice. If the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, it may be necessary to spend 24 hours in the hospital so that your recovery process can be monitored by a medical staff.

If you would like to know everything about changing your appearance and acquiring the dreamed look, write to us right now. Make your professional medical consultation.