The shape and firmness of women’s breasts change due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, weight loss fluctuations and aging when the elasticity of skin decreases. The aim of the operation is to remove the loose skin, stretch the breast tissue, improve breasts’ size and shape and make them firmer.
When breast uplift is performed, several techniques are used depending on:
the severity of the droop;
the size and position of the breasts areola;
the shape and size of the breast.
During a breast uplift operation several incisions are performed:
a vertical incision from the areola down towards the breast’s crease;
a horizontal incision in the crease under the breast;
an incision around the breast’s areola.
The time duration of the operation is 90 min. Stitches are removed after 10-14 days. Postoperative swelling subsides in 3-4 weeks and does not create discomfort or interfere with the patient’s normal social life.
Breast uplift surgery is carried out under a general anaesthetic. It is necessary to spend 24 hours in the hospital so that your recovery process can be monitored by a medical staff.
If you would like to know everything about changing your appearance and acquiring the dreamed look, write to us right now. Make your professional medical consultation.