Ginecomasty is a medical term and it refers to the increase of volume of the breasts in men. It may be due to localized excess of fatty tissue or to an excessive growth of the masculine mammary gland.
When we face a ginecomasty caused by accumulation of fat, undergoing liposuction is enough. It does not leave visible scars. The procedure takes about 30 min. The size of the incision is very small, around 0.5 cm. Removing stitches is after 5 days. Postoperative swelling subsides in 3-4 weeks and does not interfere with patient’s normal social life.
When it comes to ginecomasty caused by a growth of the mammary gland, the excessive glandular tissue is removed by an incision next to the areola and the incision is much bigger. Recovering period is fast.
A ginecomasty operation is always carried out under a general anaesthetic. It is necessary to spend 24 hours in the hospital so that your recovery process can be monitored by a medical staff.
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