Too big breasts with women can cause back pain and skin redness in the breast fold. The discomfort due to the heaviness can be eliminated by a breast reduction operation. The procedure aims to reduce the breast volume, to lift and shape it by eliminating the excess fatty tissue and part of the mammal tissue. Breast reduction is usually combined with a breast uplift operation. It can be undergone only if you are 18 and over when the breast growth is completed.

The time duration of the operation is 120 min. Postoperative discomfort lasts about 2-4 days. Removing stitches is after 7-12 days. Swelling subsides in 3-4 weeks. It does not interfere with your normal social life.

Breast reduction surgery is carried out under a general anaesthetic. It is necessary to spend 24 hours in the hospital so that your recovery process can be monitored by a medical staff.

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